Chloë Thomas: eCommerce and Marketing Speaker

Chloë Thomas is a fantastic addition to any eCommerce conference line up. Able to cover detailed topics, deliver “mesmerising” Key Note sessions, or moderate/chair panels or even be a panel guest.
Equally happy in real-world or virtual settings she’ll bring energy and content to your event to help you keep the audience, panellists, and sponsors happy.
Panel and Event Chairing Services
Panel sessions and conferences (whether online or offline) can be taken to another level with the right chairperson/host/moderator.
The right host will keep your audience engaged, and set your speakers and panellists up for success.

I found Chloe to be a very engaging speaker and what really struck me was how long people made the Q&A session last. Normally at TableCrowd events it’s over and done with in 5 minutes, we were there for 45-50 minutes.
Andre Brown, Chief Executive, Attraqt
Keynote Speaking Services
Always happy to tailor content to meet your audience’s needs, – she rarely gives the same presentation twice!
In the virtual world Chloë’s equally happy with pre-recorded or live presentations.
Before the pandemic hit Chloë had spoken at events throughout the UK and Europe, and now is doing a lot of USA events (without having to jump on a plane!!).
Recent / notable engagements have included:

- Real world:
- Direct Commerce Association Annual Summit 2022
- eCommerce Expo 2022, 2023, 2024
- Whistl conference 2023
- Meet Magento 2023
- Intuit MailChimp From Here to There 2024
- Webinars for Magento, GS1, Brightpearl, Nibble
- Virtual Summits:
- MeetMagento UK 2020
- The Journey to Customer-Centric Growth 2020
- The Future of eCommerce 2022
- Agorapulse eCommerce Marketing Rockstars 2022
- Commerce Now 2024
Topic Ideas:
Chloë’s focus is on solving eCommerce marketing problems – helping retailers work out how to leverage the latest and best ideas and opportunities to get more traffic and orders.

Currently the following topics are getting a great reaction:
- The Traffic That Buys model – How to Increase Sales
- Sustainability in eCommerce
- Promotions – getting beyond 20% off!
- and of course, the always popular… What you need to do now to be successful in the next 6/12/18 months
Please fill in this form if you’re interested in hiring Chloe to speak at one of your events:
Booking Chloe for one of your events

One of our primary reasons for calling on Chloe to speak at our events is that she always manages to deliver what is quite technical information in a way that makes it easy to understand and assimilate. She has developed an excellent speaking style over the years which is informal whilst retaining an authoritative air and our delegates have certainly appreciated her insight.
Always well prepared with the latest information to share, Chloe is open, friendly and approachable – all of which makes her training sessions and presentations thoroughly engaging.
Jane Revell-Higgins, Direct Commerce Association

Working with Chloe on our large flagship events has been excellent. The content that Chloe delivered was always relevant and engaging and her ability to be flexable with the content depending on the nature of the audience was extremely pleasing, attendee feedback continuously reflects this.
From an event organisers point of view Chloe is pleasure to work with, she has never missed a content deadline or let us down on any occasion.
Matthew Hill, Marketing & Events Coordinator, Peninsula Enterprise